4 Quick Tips from the QF-Test Support Team

Day in, day out, our diligent support team answers our customers' questions. Here are some of their answers about data drivers, error message filtering, and variable defaults.

28. February 2022, Max Melzer

Running Website Tests in Parallel with QF-Test

Several parallel tests

Running multiple tests at once could improve test execution time a lot (if raw system performance is not a bottleneck) while saving lots of infrastructure overhead because everything can run on one machine.

15. February 2022, Max Melzer

Working as a Team with QF-Test - Dos and Don'ts

[Translate to English:] Arbeiten im Team icon

Sure, a team of testers can handle extensive test projects faster and better than a single person. But some things that may seem simple at first actually can become much more difficult when working in a team.

02. February 2022, Max Melzer

No Log4j Vulnerability in QF-Test

QF-Test check

In the last days, a vulnerability in the popular open source library log4j has been reported, nick-named Log4shell. QF-Test is not (and has not) been vulnerable to this attack, for a number of reasons.

13. December 2021, Pascal Bihler

Testing Excel files

Excel file Check

Excel files can be read into QF-Test using a simple procedure call where the procedure qfs.utils.files.readExcelFile must be called.

30. November 2021, Yann Spöri

How to test browsers like Brave, Vivaldi, Yandex, Iron

Less known browsers

QF-Test natively supports testing websites with Chrome, Firefox, Edge, some others and even good old Internet Explorer. But there are plenty of other, lesser-known browsers that you might still want to run your tests with, such as Chromium, Brave, Iron, Vivaldi and Yandex.

19. October 2021, Max Melzer

TestRunListeners in QF-Test

Listen icon

The TestRunListener interface can be used to execute additional actions before or after the execution of each node or in the case of any exception / error. This actions can (for example) be used for testdocumentation or error analysis. In the following some TestRunListeners are introduced (Jython server scripts).

19. August 2021, Yann Spöri

Creating screenshots with QF-Test

Screenshot Icon

It is relatively easy to take a screenshot of the complete picture with the help of QF-Test. For example, to create a screenshot of the current desktop, only the procedure logScreenshot must be called.

29. July 2021, Yann Spöri