News about the print(…) and println(…) module

print printin QF module

If you are working with QF-Test scripting nodes, no matter whether you prefer Jython, Groovy or JavaScript, you will come across the QF module sooner or later. This module, accessible in all script nodes and script terminals via the variable qf, holds a bunch of helper methods designed to make the life of a script programmer easier.

04. July 2019, Pascal Bihler

Something doesn't work with QF-Test

Questionmark in a circle

You are working with QF-Test and something doesn't work as expected? Then you can (as usually) search the Internet or do research at Stackoverflow... A faster way is going on our channels ...

04. June 2019, Martina Schmid

No coordinates based Events and no Image based checks! QF-Test is smarter than that! Part I

Web Testing is smart with QF-Test

Some days ago I had the pleasure to visit a Meetup Venue here in Leipzig, Germany. The topic was very interesting - "Experience with the introduction of Test Automation". Many of the participants consider Web GUI Testing very fragile and cumbersome to keep in "Tests OK" status that's why I I decided to write this series with the topic: No coordinates based Events and no Image based checks! QF-Test is smarter than that!

29. May 2019, Plamen Vesselinov

Mark nodes via colors

Colored Nodes

In order to simplify test-suite editing it is possible to assign colored marks to nodes. This feature is especially (but not only) helpful in the context of complex find and replace operations - in this case, the color markers can for example be used to indicate that a node still needs revision or that a node was edited successfully.

14. May 2019, Yann Spöri

Mouse Events Explained - Web

Mouse Events Explained - Web

QF-Test uses semi hard events as default (based on web ajax toolkit, browser and browser version, OS etc), but not all cases. There are three event types available.


06. May 2019, Plamen Vesselinov

Disabled node

activated vs. deactivated node

In some cases it is helpful to disable nodes temporarily. Here is a short article how to do this.

03. May 2019, Yann Spöri

Writing your own checkers


While testing an application, one of the most important steps is to verify that the actual state of the application is correct.

16. April 2019, Yann Spöri

If you want to work in Germany, come to us


QFS (Quality First Software GmbH) is one of the best employers of the ITC industry in Germany and also in Bavaria. We are located in Leipzig and in Geretsried (that’s between Munich and the Alps at the Isar river) and have won the Great Place to Work award already two times now.

09. April 2019, Martina Schmid

Accessing sub-items of GUI components

Accessing sub-items of GUI components

In most cases we are dealing with more or less straight-forward GUI components,such as buttons and text fields. Nevertheless we often have to deal with morecomplex GUI components like trees, tables and lists too. These GUI components have sub-items. 

01. April 2019, Yann Spöri