
96 News Gefunden

Die Wartungsversion QF-Test 7.0.4 aktualisiert das mitgelieferte JRE zu Temurin Version, bringt Unterstützung für Eclipse 4.29 sowie JxBrowser 7.34 und beseitigt einige kleinere Bugs.

This maintenance release fixes a few bugs, most notably special cases concerning recognition of legacy qfs:label extra features and empty screenshots.

The second maintenance update for the major "dark mode release" QF-Test 7 has been released. Version 7.0.2 contains an important bug fix for session handling while 7.0.1 brought support for ARM Java on macOS as well as Eclipse 2023-06.

In addition, we would like to invite you to our next free special webinar on July 10, 2023, 3:30 p.m.: This time it's about the critical topic of secure application development. Experts from our sister company mgm Security Partners will shed light on various…

This maintenance release adds support for ARM Java on macOS as well as Eclipse / SWT 4.28 alias "2023-06" and fixes a number of bugs.

Most noticeable in QF-Test 7.0 is the streamlined UI. On top of that, there is the long-requested, beautiful new dark mode.

The paradigm shift towards SmartID is now accomplished, thanks to a complete overhaul of the algorithm for determining the best label for a component.

Testing web applications is greatly improved thanks to an intuitive new way of configuring CustomWebResolvers, complemented by a brand-new visual UI inspector.

This maintenance release adds support for Java 20 and Eclipse / SWT 4.27 alias "2023-03", fixes a number of bugs and paves the way for parallel execution of QF-Test versions 6 and 7.

We would like to invite you to attend our next special webinar: What's in the box?! - Using QF-Test with Docker containers on Monday, February 6, 2023 from 3:30 PM until 4:30 PM (CET)

We would like to thank our customers and partners for the pleasant cooperation and your trust in these particularly challenging times.

This maintenance release comes with many version updates, among them JRE version 8_352, Eclipse / SWT 4.26 alias "2022-12" as well as JxBrowser 7.28. Besides a few bug fixes it also introduces some smaller new features, including an option for prefixing classes when recording SmartIDs or the new rc methods pushOption and popOption.

This maintenance release updates the JRE distributed with QF-Test to version 8_345, adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.25 alias "2022-09" as well as JxBrowser 7.27 and fixes a number of smaller bugs.

96 News Gefunden

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