
95 News Gefunden

Besides the usual bug fixes, this update improves clean shutdown of running batch tests and adds the ability to clear global variables in calldaemon mode.

15.30 - approx. 16.30 CEST : SmartIDs - Paradigm Shift of Component Recognition in QF-Test

This maintenance update adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.24 alias "2022-06" and fixes a number of smaller bugs.

If you want to bring your Java Swing, JavaFX, Applet or NetBeans Application to the Browser, we recommend Webswing. This process can be accompanied by QF-Test.

It's done. QF-Test 6.0 is finally ready for release.

The main headline is support for testing Android applications. The familiar features and concepts of QF-Test can be applied to creating tests for Android applications on virtual and real devices with ease and efficiency.

On Wednesday the 27th of April 2022 at the career fair in Bad Tölz. QFS was represented as an exhibitor with Yann Spöri, Martina Schmid and the aforementioned company kicker.

2022-05-05 15.30 - 16.30 CEST: Android Testing | 2022-05-16 15.30 - 16.30 CEST: Optimizing your test structure and documentation

We will be represented at the fair MeineAusbildung! on 2022-04-27 in Bad Tölz. Send your children by or apply to us yourself as a tester or developer.

This maintenance update primarily adds support for Eclipse/SWT 4.23 alias "2022-03" and for JxBrowser 7.22.

This maintenance release includes some minor web-specific version updates and fixes a few bugs.

95 News Gefunden

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