
96 News Gefunden

We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year. We want to thank you for the excellent cooperation during this year! Here you can find some impressions of how we celebrated our christmas party this year.

Take part in our next free special webinar on January 21, 2021 at 2.30 p.m. CET about "PDF Testing with QF-Test - Often PDF documents are the final result of a business process that you can check comfortably with QF-Test, too." Register via

This maintenance update adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.18 alias "2020-12" and for JxBrowser 7.12. It further rounds off Webswing support and fixes a number of bugs, including an issue with Jython on Linux.

The medium upgrade QF-Test 5.2 focuses on integrated testing of Java desktop applications that are displayed in a browser using the technologies Webswing or JPro.

Register for our free special webinar "Webswing Testing with QF-Test". We will announce and present our tool partnership. You can bring your Java application easily into the web. And this can be tested with QF-Test.

This maintenance update adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.17 alias "2020-09" and fixes a rare image compression problem.

We show you how to achieve this in QF-Test and how we develop our concepts.

The maintenance upgrade QF-Test 5.1.1 adds support for Opera 70 and JxBrowser 7.10 and fixes a number of bugs.

The medium upgrade QF-Test 5.1 focuses on bringing support for embedded browsers - JxBrowser (including version 7), SWT Browser and JavaFX WebView, up to par with that for "normal" browsers. It also comes with support for Java 15, native Electron dialogs and customizable HTML reports. The internal JRE provided with QF-Test has been updated to Zulu OpenJDK 8_252.

This maintenance update adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.16 alias "2020-06" and fixes a number of bugs.

96 News Gefunden

In our News Archive you can find all our news from 2002 to 2015.

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