With QF-Test  you can test Eclipse SWT / RCP applications since 2008.

  • Java SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit)
  • Rich Client Platform (RCP)
  • Eclipse Plug-Ins
  • JFace GUI toolkit (library based on SWT)
  • SWT/ SWT applications with embedded browser such as SWT Browser. Both the Java and the web part can be controlled.

What is QF-Test particularly good at when it comes to SWT/RCP testing?

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Reliable component recognition

SWT was developed in 2001 for the Eclipse development environment and, unlike Swing, uses the native graphical GUI elements (widgets) of the operating system, which are integrated by thin Java wrappers. SWT thus enables the creation of programs that have a look comparable to "native" programs.

  • As an important feature of QF-Test e.g. automatic names for RCP components are generated, in order to ensure a stable and reliable component recognition.
  • QF-Test allows direct addressing and testing of the corresponding elements in complex components, such as directly addressing a table cell by its row and column information. Also some special components like ktable or tables from the Nebula project can be tested.
  • These steps can be conveniently recorded and modularized. This allows easy reuse and leads to low-maintenance tests. 
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Tests on Windows and Linux

With QF-Test, SWT/Eclipse applications can be tested cross-platform on:

  • Windows
  • Linux
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Access to the entire Eclipse/SWT API

Full access to the Eclipse/SWT application under test is possible through the following scripting languages:

  • Jython
  • Groovy
  • JavaScript

"We also looked at Squish when evaluating a GUI testing tool for our Eclipse/SWT based application. In doing so, we ran the same tests for our software using both tools.

The following criteria were decisive for QF-Test:

  • Very clear structuring of the tests.
  • The work is easier for users who are not so experienced in programming than with Squish, because more support and user guidance is included. This was an important point also with regard to the creation of test cases by student assistants. We also found the documentation to be more detailed.
  • Very good component recognition: in particular, the recognition of rows/columns of a table works very well.
  • QF-Test is very fast. It is also possible to create a complex dataset in our software with it in a few minutes."
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Dr. Angelika Blauth

mgm technology partners, Munich, Germany

"I am pleasantly surprised by the power and stability of QF-Test. So far, I have not come across any other comparable tool where tests recorded on Windows can also be run on Linux without such problems.

In the areas that are critical for us, QF-Test behaves as desired, user-friendly and stable. Our American colleagues also commented positively. In addition to the quality of the product, the quality of your support is crucial to our decision to use QF-Test productively for our UI test automation from a business perspective."

Dr. Matthias Wiskow, QA

QA, Wind River Systems, Salzburg, Austria

Eclipse RCP/SWT Tests with QF-Test

Do you want to test your Eclipse RCP (SWT) application as well?

Then use QF-Test for the quality assurance of your Eclipse/SWT software!

Just contact us via phone + 49 8171 38648-10 or via service@remove-this.qfs.de that we can make an appointment for a demo webinar with one of our experienced experts.