Exemples JIRA avec QF-Test

Logo Jira Software

On a popular demand we have created examples on how QF-Test can be integrated with JIRA. 

17. juin 2021, Plamen Vesselinov

Automatisation des tests de KeePass avec QF-Test - Document de séminaire

[Translate to French:] Why do my tests break

"Why do my automated GUI tests break?" that was the seminar question of a student. With this, he asked the central question for test automation. Because the success of this, as well as the daily work of QA, stands and falls with the recognition of the objects - or their failure/breakage of the tests.

29. avril 2021, Martina Schmid

Contre le Corona-Blues

Gregor Schmid sur tapis de marche

A testimonial by "Mr. QF-Test" who recently started to place a walking pad under his desk so that his work on QF-Test is now done walking and he is so happy with it that he even volunteered to write a blog about it.

02. mars 2021, Gregor Schmid

Changer la langue dans QF-Test

[Translate to French:] QF-Test language in English or German

QF-Test exists in German and English. You can switch the language in QF-Test. It is easy you just need to know how to change the language settings.

01. février 2021, Author unavailable

Comment utiliser JSON

JSON file

Especially when testing websites, you are now and then faced with the problem of having to parse JSON (=JavaScript Object Notation) strings. 
In this blog article, however, the JSON library provided by QF-Test should be described.

07. décembre 2020, Yann Spöri

Covid-19 et télétravail chez QFS

Covid-19 Homeoffice Quality First Software

One of our colleagues tells about his experiences with Covid-19 and home office here at Quality First Software Gmbh in 2020.

12. novembre 2020, Mike Schmidt