
96 News Gefunden

You have a Windows application with Win32, .NET, Windows Forms, WPF, Windows to test? Then try QF-Test in the Early Access version.

We proudly announce that we were awarded as "Great Place to Work" and won first prize in the categories "Best employer of ICT industry" and "Best employer in Bavaria".

Highlights of this medium upgrade include testing of Electron applications, support for Java 12, configuration of mobile browser emulation directly in the Quickstart Wizard and Eclipse/SWT applications without instrumentation.


Unfortunately support for our new license format which was introduced with QF-Test 4.3 and includes information about the maintenance period wasn't perfect.


As a result, customers with a license for QF-Test 4.3 will not be able to use QF-Test versions 4.4.0 and 4.4.1 after December 15th. This can be fixed either by updating to QF-Test 4.4.2 or by applying a license update which we'll gladly provide upon request. Affected customers with a license server were informed in advance and supplied…

This medium upgrade adds procedures and a scripting module for controlling macOS applications. Eclipse/SWT support now includes version 2018-09, the 'Unit test' node handles JUnit 5 "Jupiter" tests and in PDF documents an entire text page can now be checked in a single step.

Special webinar about "Component recognition" on November 26, 2018 November 26, 2018 16.00 - approx. 17.30 CET.

Reserve your seat for the next special webinar which is for free, the seats are limited to 25.


Two new videos about testing PDF documents and the QF-Test Eclipse Plugin.

This release adds support for Java 11, Eclipse/SWT 4.8 "Photon" as well as SWT with GTK3 and comes with a great step towards faster release cycles.

The entry videos how to start Java and Web applications with QF-Test easily are updated.

We can give you GK Software as example. Test your cash register system easily with QF-Test.

96 News Gefunden

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