
95 News Gefunden

Running multiple tests at once could improve test execution time a lot (if raw system performance is not a bottleneck) while saving lots of infrastructure overhead because everything can run on one machine.

We have recorded our whole Tutorial as video version. Learn in less than 3 hours how to work with QF-Test.

This maintenance release includes a few minor version updates and fixes a handful of bugs.

Today we are celebrating the 20th birthday of Quality First Software GmbH.

The medium upgrade QF-Test 5.4 adds support for testing applications based on Java 18, the embedded Chrome browser for QF-Driver has been updated to CEF version 95 and Eclipse/SWT 4.22 alias "2021-12" is now supported. Electron applications can now be addressed via the far superior CDP-Driver connection mode, the options dialog has a search functionality and copy/paste of images is now possible for image check nodes and screenshot logs.

In the last days, a vulnerability in the popular open source library log4j has been reported, nick-named Log4shell. QF-Test is not (and has not) been vulnerable to this attack, for a number of reasons.

Bachelor's Thesis by iSYS Software GmbH in Munich about: QF-Test vs. Selenium vs. TestCafe vs. TestStudio

This maintenance update fixes a memory leak that was introduced in QF-Test version 5.3.3.

This maintenance update adds support for Eclipse / SWT 4.21 alias "2021-09", Opera 78 and 79 as well as JxBrowser up to version 7.19 and fixes a number of smaller bugs.

Register for our Special Webinar about " Everything in flux - Using QF Test with Continuous Integration Tools on the Example of Jenkins" on September 27, 2021 at 2.30 p.m. CEST in English and 10.30 a.m. CEST in German.

95 News Gefunden

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